As promised, last night we had our field trip. Not wanting to blend in even without his tall Chef’s hat, Chef showed up in a Hawaiian shirt. This made him easily spottable on the subway and crowded streets of New York (though I don’t think that was his reasoning behind wearing said shirt). We were all in street clothes- a true test of whether or not we knew each other’s names. I hope I passed this one, though I can’t be sure. I made a mental note (and now a written one I suppose) to make sure to memorize everyone’s names tonight, aided with our monogrammed Chefs jackets.

Our first stop was La Maison Du Chocolat, an upscale chocolate shop with “Haut Couture” chocolates. This place makes Godiva look like a bargain basement store. The prices were high, the pieces of chocolate small, and the temperature freezing. Everything looked fabulous and I wanted one of each. Truffles in dozens of flavors, chocolate bark, bonbons and yes, even Pate De Fruit (remember our lovely Fruit Gels that no one liked?) were all sold there, by the pound. There was also pastries- cakes, cookies (macarons, obviously) their famous chocolate éclairs, and a new line of ice cream. Chef bought some macarons for everyone to share, though he did laugh at their price, and told us they cost nothing to make. My classmates were, however, really impressed with their products and gushed over every piece of chocolate and macaron they ate. Apparently, it’s worth every penny. Even if you don’t buy/eat anything on the shop, it is fun to go and just take a look around.
Our next stop was Financier Pastry Shop.

This place was…less snobby. They had wonderful looking French pastries, mainly single serving sizes (packed with calories for two!) of beautiful looking tartlets, little cream cakes, chocolate bomb cakes, macarons (obviously) and…Pate De Fruits (surprisingly). Everyone got a pastry and dug in. I went from person to person sniffing appreciatively and asking prying questions, such as mouth feel, flavor and “is it worth it?” Classmates, in return, asked me many questions about Kashrut. Only, they didn’t say “Kashrut” and instead asked “wait, what cant you eat?” “why can’t you try this napoleon? You’ve never eaten a napoleon?!” Don’t worry, I quickly rectified this blasphemous thought and reassured my classmates that I can (and have eaten) most of the pastries they were all sampling. Albeit, never from some fancy pastry shop in the middle of Rockefeller Center.
After Financier, we went to Bouchon Bakery, located (among other places) in the Time Warner Center. At this point, I was craving some dessert, and knew (who doesn’t?) of the Godiva located in the Time Warner Center. I asked Chef if I could make a detour and meet them in Bouchon. He agreed and I ran. Literally, I couldn’t get there fast enough. Once there, I whipped out my Godiva Club Card (you should all get one ASAP) and got myself a free truffle of the month. Key Lime. Refreshing, sweet but not cloying and rich. It helped ease my jealousy and stave of pangs of pastry deprivation. Thank you, Godiva (bargain basement or not, you have my allegiance). Of course, once I got to Bouchon and told Chef about my truffle, he asked the obvious question. Why could I eat Godiva chocolate but not Maison Du Chocolat chocolate? Quick as a whistle, that Chef. I explained. Then he explained why Bouchon was fabulous and praised their raspberry almond croissants. Now, Bouchon is French in heritage (Chef would only take us to French places- a true Frenchman) but they seem to be catering to an American crowd. Among their French pastries (including macarons and Pate de Fruit!) were HoHos, Fuhgetaboutits (like 100 Grand Bars) and Nutter Butters. Somehow, I don’t see French Pastry Chefs toiling over Nutter Butters.
The rest of the class went on to Amy’s Bread in Chelsea Market. By this time, however, I was hungry, tired, and had a fast the next day to consider (and no promise of freshly baked bread to bolster my spirits). Also, I had a nine o’clock showing of Harry Potter I needed to catch. NEEDED. And so I bowed out, Chef not putting up a fuss because of how guilty he felt for taking me to such unpalatable establishments. I wonder what allowances he would make tonight if I told him I was fasting?
-Sarah “I Have My Priorities Straight” Baer
Note I did NOT take any of the photos seen here. I did, howeveer, search for them on Google images.